Product Designer experienced in concept validation, UX research, prototype testing, and designing for SaaS.
element of Straumann e-store UI

MVP e-commerce experience
for Straumann

2022 – 2023 @ Jungle Minds

element of samsung e-store UI

Improving Samsung's e-store
buying journey

2022 @ Jungle Minds

SUMM dashboard on desktop and phone

Product and communication
design for SUMM

2021-2022 @ Jungle Minds

browser window landing page

scroll down ->

Website design
for Enty


browser window website

scroll down ->

Website design
for Mario Kim



My name is Alexander – Sasha for short.

I am a UX designer of Russian origin, based in Amsterdam. I have experience in concept development and validation, UX research, prototype testing, SaaS, and e-commerce product design.

My backround is in advertising and new media research, but I found UX design to be the one thing I would do even if I didn't make money from it. My other passions are consumer tech, digital products, urban planning and video games.

Check out my article on the assetized monetization of modern video games ↓

sage journal cover
The Industry of Landlords

A.Bernevega & A.Gekker, 2021

KLM logo

Designing for KLM
since February 2024

2019 - now © Alexander Bernevega. All rights reserved.